As a District Council there are a number of services that EDDC does not provide but is instead provided by Devon County Council, such as Social Services, Education, Libraries, Trading Standards, Public Transport or Highways (including pot holes, road closures, pavements and street lighting). To request information for these services please contact Devon County Council.

If the information you are requesting is relating to a service we deliver then we may already publish this information. The following is a list of data that we already publish:

Business Rates; with information on property reference, liable name, start of liability, property address, rateable value, property description, empty status, credits, write ons, discounts, reliefs or exemptions.

National Assistance Burials - a list of all NABs that we have carried out including Name; Date of birth; Date of death; Age at death; Burial or cremation; Cost; Cost recovered and Next of kin

Datasets in line with National Government Guidance are published on our Transparency pages. Here you will find Grants over £500; Local Authority Land; Purchases over £5000; Social Housing Asset Value; Senior Salaries; Trade Union facility time; Public Register; Council accounts.

Use this online form to request information held by us under the Freedom of Information Act.

Data Protection

Any personal information which you provide will be held and used by East Devon District Council for the purpose of processing your FOI request. Your information may be provided to a third party acting on our behalf for the purpose of processing your FOI request. Your information may also be shared within East Devon District Council for the purposes of carrying out our lawful functions. Otherwise your personal information will not be disclosed to anybody outside East Devon District Council without your permission, unless there is a lawful reason to do so, for example disclosure is necessary for crime prevention or detection purposes. Your information will be held securely and will not be retained for any longer than is necessary. There are a number of rights available to you in relation to our use of your personal information, depending on the reason for processing. Further detail about our use of your personal information can be found in the relevant Privacy Notice which can be accessed here.