
Cranbrook is a new town in East Devon and includes affordable housing for rent and home ownership.

Affordable Housing

East Devon District Council do not currently own any affordable homes in Cranbrook instead they are provided by registered providers. To date LiveWest (formerly Liverty and DCH) and Sovereign Housing are the two main providers of affordable housing in Cranbrook.

Properties available to rent are advertised on Devon Home Choice.

You can view advertised properties available to buy or by the provider themselves.  

Occupants of the affordable units need to have a local connection to the administrative district of either East Devon or Exeter and be in housing need.

To have a local connection you must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Currently resident in the area or,
  • Currently employed in the area or need to live in the area to take up firmly committed employment or,
  • You have close family living in the area or,
  • You have been resident in the area for at least five of the last 10 years.

Housing need is determined through Devon Home Choice for rented properties and approval by Help to Buy South West or the provider themselves for shared ownership units.

Affordable by Design properties (ABD's)

These are properties which are sold by the developers and are smaller than market houses. Due to their size they are considered more affordable.

The S106 agreements which secures the provision of affordable housing has restrictions on who can live in the affordable by design units. You must have a local connection (see definition above) and be unable to afford a home on the open market.

Buying and selling an affordable by design home

If you are thinking of selling your affordable by design property you must first inform the Council.

You are free to market your property with an estate agent but you should inform them of the restrictions.

If you are having difficulties selling your affordable by design property due to the restrictions contained within the S106 agreement, please contact us to discuss. We can arrange for you to enter into a 'deed of release' which will release you from the obligations contained within the S106 agreement. There will be an administration fee of £75 for this.

If you are buying an affordable by design property you will need to have a local connection and be approved by the Council.

Please contact for an eligibility application form. You will need to provide supporting information to prove your local connection.

If you are unsure about whether your property is classed as affordable by design please get in touch and we can advise.