Guide Cranbrook Plan

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2. The Cranbrook Plan DPD and initial public consultation

The first stage of production of the Cranbrook Plan DPD is to consult on the matters and subjects that it might contain and address.  The following consultation material was circulated:

Cranbrook:  The Future Development Plan Document (DPD)

East Devon District Council would like to hear your views to help us develop plans and policies to guide the future expansion of Cranbrook new community.

The replies we receive will help us shape the future of Cranbrook in two ways:

1.  In the preparation of a Cranbrook Development Plan Document (DPD) - a formal planning policy document to explicitly guide and regulate development (notice of this consultation is given under Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning Regulations 2012).

2.  Feed into wider work being undertaken by specialist consultants on our behalf to develop a ‘Cranbrook Plan’ – this will provide a framework for the future expansion of the new town, and will be compliant with the policies of the emerging new district-wide East Devon Local Plan.

What should be included?

The Cranbrook DPD may cover the topics listed below and we are particularly interested to know what alternative or additional issues you think should be addressed and what factors you consider should be taken into account in the overall plan production work.

1.  Allocate specific sites and land areas for new development; 2.  Designate land for ‘protection’ or safeguarding which will prevent of limit development; 3.  include policies, cross-referencing where appropriate to specific land areas, in respect of development of:

a)  new homes; b)  gypsy and traveller accommodation; c)  community facilities; d)  education facilities; e)  sports and play areas and facilities; f)  shops; g)  parks and open space; h)  places of employment; and i)  other possible uses not detailed above.

4.  establish the supporting infrastructure and means for its delivery required by the above uses; 5.  establish forms and principles of development and materials and design standards to promote the highest quality outcomes; 6.  define mitigation required to off-set potential adverse impacts that might otherwise arise as a consequence of development; 7.  determine mechanisms for monitoring the success and quality of what is happening and being built and set targets; and 8.  determine whether planning applications submitted to the Council should be granted planning permission and what conditions might apply.

The on-going work on the Cranbrook Plan is already involving a wide range of stakeholders and we intend to ensure that this partnership approach continues. 

Getting  involved

You can find out more about the Cranbrook DPD by viewing the Development Management Committee papers from the 16 June 2015 online at:

Development Management Committee papers 16 June 2015

Then please either email your comments to: with ‘Cranbrook DPD’ in the subject box or by post to: Planning Policy Section, East Devon District Council, Blackdown House, Border Road, Heathpark Industrial Estate, Honiton, EX14 1EJ

To arrive on or before: Friday 7 August 2015.

Next steps

The Cranbrook Plan will form the overarching evidence base for the DPD and its conclusions and associated outputs will form the basis of, or feed directly into, the publication draft of the Cranbrook DPD.  It is the publication draft that is made publically available for formal comment and any comments received will be submitted, along with the DPD, and supporting evidence to the planning Inspectorate for formal examination.

Please pass this communication on to anyone else you think might be interested in getting involved.